
Maxmillian S - Belleville, Illinois


Taylor R


Rich R

"I thought Dr. Fabrizio Mancini was a great speaker. You can tell he is very passionate about being a chiropractor. Very educational and kept me engaged. "

Steven H

"I believe that this course for CA's was way too detailed an anatomy course. A general MSK anatomy would have been sufficient to have CA on same page of 95% of what we TX and see in the office."

Amelia C - Chicago, Illinois

"Always helpful"

Amelia C - Chicago, Illinois

"thank you"

James S - Chicago, Illinois

"I disagree with the doctors recommendations to report another doctor for a error in advertisement. It may not be intentional so why not call the doctor, bring this to the doctors attention, let the doctor know it is not acceptable and why and allow the doctor to immediately change this unintentional error. "

Justin H - Carrollton, Illinois


James S - Chicago, Illinois

"Great for review"

James S - Chicago, Illinois
