Secrets from A Medical Director- Thriving in Today’s Market!…The True Cost Savings of Chiropractic!

The Cost Effectiveness presentation will delve deeply into the latest research, highlighting key findings and conclusions that will boost every Doctor of Chiropractic's confidence in the profession. More importantly, it will demonstrate how to leverage this evidence effectively. In the ongoing battle for recognition and resources, evidence is our most powerful weapon! By the end of this presentation, you will fully understand the paper's contents and findings, know who to present this information to, and how to use it to influence benefit design and reduce barriers to chiropractic care. Additionally, we will discuss how to utilize the study findings internally to educate and build confidence in your patient base, and how to stimulate referrals from the medical community. This is a lecture you do not want to miss!

Preparing for Value-Based Healthcare/How to Prevent an Audit!

Are you familiar with "Value-based healthcare" and how it differs from current healthcare models? It's coming, whether we like it or not, so we must prepare to thrive in this new environment. Learn how to prevent consultants and IMEs from denying your care. Discover secrets from a medical director that can drastically reduce your chances of being audited and help you get paid more efficiently. This session will offer a glimpse behind the insurance curtain, revealing red flags in coding, documentation, and care management. This is essential knowledge for any practitioner looking to navigate the future of healthcare successfully.

This session is sponsored by The Clinical Compass.